おおかみこどもの雨と雪 / 狼之子雨与雪 / 狼之子雨和雪 / 狼的孩子雨和雪 / Ōkami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki / Okami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki / Wolf Children / Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki / Wolf Children: Rain và Snow

From Manga
Helpers:Little Yuki and her younger brother Ame are not the same as ordinary children... They're part wolf! This tale follows the story of their family, starting with their mother's first fateful meeting, in a college class, with the man that would become their father. Their father was descended from the now extinct Japanese wolves, và he can transform between his man & wolf forms at will. Now Yuki và Ame's mother, Hana, has her hands full figuring out how to khuyến mãi with the special needs of her own very special, và very loved, wolf children.  
Sayurii23 157 + 1.8K 350 days ago
Sayurii23 79 + 1.1K 350 days ago
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Sayurii23 53 + 759 99 days ago
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*Contains spoilersAlternative Titles: Wolf Children, The Wolf Children Amen and Yuki, おおかみこどもの雨と雪Released: 2012Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Slice of LifeStudios: Chizu, Madhouse

Ookami Kodomo no Ame lớn Yuki movie was one of my favourite movies when I was a teenager. I have watched it maybe two or three times more because, in my opinion, it is a heartwarming story. Even if some things are being missed or left behind, I can totally put those things aside to lớn enjoy this touching story once again (and you should too!).

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Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki’s Plot


I thought that the movie would revolve mainly around Yuki and Ame, but I must say that in the first part of the story, Hana was the main pillar. Hana, an admirable mother who was alone in the world and needed lớn take care of her two kids on her own. Somehow it feels lượt thích a tribute khổng lồ women, well, especially to mothers. It shows us the strength & courage they have while assuming the responsibility of raising children in a world where everything is judged.

In the second half, the film focused more on Ame and Yuki and their respective decisions about how they will live their life: khổng lồ live among humans or live as a wolf in the wild. Yuki, the adventurous sister và Ame, the timid brother, both overcome challenging situations that made them grow up và change the way they see the world.


Solidarity và some funny scenes were also part of the movie. The solidarity that the new neighbours of Hana showed her was really warming. They helped her a lot and even taught her how to lớn cultivate vegetables (which is something that struggled her a lot).

Certainly, Ookami Kodomo no Ame lớn Yuki is a heartwarming movie where love, self-discovery and acceptance are the main themes that are developed in the story. I cannot guarantee that you will not get emotional.




Even though we did not get khổng lồ see a lot of development with this character, we cannot deny that he is one of the pillars in the life of Hana. He supported her a lot and even if he passed away (this broke my heart), a piece of him was living in Hana’s heart và mind, encouraging her to lớn never give up và have confidence in Yuki & Ame.

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Ame is the little brother, the timid boy who did not want to leave his mother’s side. Ame was bullied by other kids due khổng lồ his introverted & shy nature and Yuki usually defended him. But as he became older, Ame began lớn be independent & wanted to lớn embrace his wolf-side & live in the wild. It was a bit frustrating for me khổng lồ understand his personality at the over of the movie, but then I understood he felt that his place in the world was as a wolf who wanders miễn phí in the wild.

Art and Animation

The thing that I liked the most about Ookami Kodomo no Ame lớn Yuki movie was the animation art, it was delightful and magnificent in many aspects.



The soundtrack of Ookami Kodomo no Ame to lớn Yuki movie was good, but not memorable, at least for me, it was not.

In my opinion, the soundtrack plays a significant role in movies & series. Sometimes it is something that complements the story, it adds feelings and helps the viewers lớn get fonder of the story. The soundtrack for this movie was okay, somehow it conveyed the emotive nature of the story, but I think it could have been better.

Final Score

Ookami Kodomo no Ame lớn Yuki movie may not be perfect (it may actually have a lot of imperfections). Despite that, it has a heartwarming and touching story where we could see the immeasurable love of a mother and how painful it is to lớn let go the ones we love. For me it’s an easy 8/10. Although, now as an adult, it is not one of my favourites animated movies, but would I recommend it? Of course, people should give it a chance.

Have you watched Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki movie? What are your thoughts about it?